What is there to say? Twelve year olds crack me up! I am sorry that I have been away for so long...It has been a crazy year. Two weeks before school started I transferred to teach 7th grade math. It has been awesome, I love the kids, David has been awesome in support, but I am working like crazy. I am also teaching an afterschool program twice a week....
Adam left in August to attend Souther Oregon University. He is loving it and it is going well. The classes he took in high school have bumped him to sophomore status winter term. He is excited about that! He has decided to major in computers, an awesome choice...
Stesha is finishing her associates this year at PCC. School is going really well for her. She was accepted into a program called the Illumination Project which writes and performs plays dealing with oppression, racism, etc. She is very excited about this...She is looking into majoring in psychology and becoming an art therapist. She is looking at four year colleges to transfer to next year.
Simon has started his freshman year at Clackamas. He ran cross country in the fall, plays in the band, and is generally having a great time!
Javad started kindergarten at Cascade Heights Public Charter School this fall. It has been really great, they are working with us to make it successful and HE LOVES SCHOOL!!!
I promise to keep blogging. I had gotten caught astray..
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving...
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