Driving down the highway of life..sometimes there are curves, sometimes its a straightaway. Most times I am thinking...where's the exit?!?

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Where have I been?

The last few weeks I have been like the proverbial ostrich, putting my head in the sand. DOn't get me wrong...things haven't really been bad, actually things have been okay these past few weeks, but it has been busy, I whave not written...blah..blah..blah!
Last weekend I assisted in THe Landmark Forum. For those who know nothing about Landmark, it is an education that has been incredible for me and many others. I am currently taking the third class in the Curriculum for Living. It is enabling me to get the project, Javad's Place, really on the move.
Lacrosse is coming to an end in about 10 days and I must admit I am glad. This season has really burned me out. Right now I am having a challenge with some. On friday, five girls weren't there. I knew about 3, but not the other two. It was a real bummer that resulted in a crushing loss...
I want to get back into the rhythm and write...it just seems that I haven't been really on the ball!
I am working on it! Put it on my list!

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