Driving down the highway of life..sometimes there are curves, sometimes its a straightaway. Most times I am thinking...where's the exit?!?

Friday, February 23, 2007

Am I alone?

Okay...either I am completely writing into a vacuous space or maybe someone is occasionally stopping by, crawling into the inner workings of my mind, then leaving. If it is true that there are people flying through my little space on the web, please leave me an occasional note or comment letting me know what you think, how you felt, or just that you were there. Thanks!

1 comment:

Ann said...

I read your post about your mom. It was very moving. I check in daily! I wish I had time - or would take the time, to do something for myself. I admire the fact that you can do things for yourself (when Javad's health allows). You rock! (truly).