So, today is the beginning of another week. Last night the Oscars were on TV and I went to bed with a migrane and woke up this morning with the aura of a headache still upon me. It seemed, in some ways, the fitting beginning for the week. Since last week, I have been in a, sort of, weird place. I wrote the letter to my mom and since then, haven't really felt tired when I wake up. Now for those of you who know me personally rather that cyber-ly, you know that I am pretty much tired every morning. There was a clear sense of relief and closure through that letter, so much so that I have actually been sleeping better. A true sense of completing something from my past.
It has been really cold here that they have been talking that there may be snow tomorrow. It's hard to believe, but even in, almost, March, it can snow. I would admit that a day off would be awesome. Do I think it'll happen, absolutely not, but a girl can wish! :)
I am sorry that I am not feeling real creative or talkative tonight! I will try to do better tomorrow! Peace!
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