Remember school dances in high school? Sweaty bodies grinding in the dark. Ahhh, can you hear "Memories" playing in the background?
Tonight we had a dance at our school. Our dances are small (maybe 55 kids attended out of the 190 who attend our school) but are a lot of fun for the kids that do come! So, close your eyes and imagine the following...
Fifty sweaty bodies, 80's music (with a few thrasher rocks songs peppered in), bumping and grinding, break dancing (which was fabulous...who knew?).
Sometimes when we have these events, I am reminded at what a melting pot our school is. We have students that, if they didn't go to our school together, would never even look at each other. Now I realize that you may be thinking, Duh? Isn't that true for every school? Well, our school is small so it forces kids who would never talk to each other at a larger school, to interact with each other. It is really neat.
On another note, remember when I was talking about how (suddenly) my students are turning in monumental amounts of work? Well, that hasn't changed. Yes, the work churning is still there! Who knew? I may have opened that Pandora's Box on this one, but I am happy to say, they are happy. Since they are happy, I, too, am happy!
On to the weekend...
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