Tomorrow is, for many, almost a religious holiday. A day when people gather in front of the almighty television screen to worship one of two teams that have battled their way to the top of football fame. Tomorrow the battle wages between the Indiana Colts and the Chicago Bears. Now, I have been a Bears fan since my past life when I had my practice marriage. We would watch football faithfully with Walter Peyton and Mike Ditka. Those were the days of "The Fridge." Ahhh, good old days. The Colts have never really been my team. I have only followed them because there is a family from Indiana who recently lost their son, Baby Donovan, to a rare childhood leukemia and are avid Colts fans. It was a bit of a tradition for them to watch the games together, and, I believe, that his parents may be going to the Big Game in his honor. For them, I will cheer for the Colts (a bit!)
Tomorrow brings back memories. When Stesha's dad and I were together, in our younger days, we watched football cheered the Bears regularly. Since that life, so long ago expired, there were many years that I didn't even watch professional sports. This game is kind of a coming out party. I really like watching sports. I know something about them. My husband, David, is not so much a sports guy, unless the sport is soccer and he is all knowledgeable in that area.
As I talk about the time from my past life, I am thinking about Steve (Stesha's dad) and his parents. They live in Florida and his parent's home was hit by the tornado a fe days ago. They are okay, but their house has definitely taken a hit. It will be a time of rebuilding for them. So, tomorrow, my prayer is that they will sit in front of the TV and cheer on their team (I am thinking the Bears, but things may have changed) and have a slice of normalcy, if only for a day!
For us, what does tomorrow bring? We will have some friends over tomorrow and worship the shrine of the TV playing the football game. What can I say? It should be fun...nothing like a few friends, a pigskin, and some cheering for whoever you feel is the team for you.
Go Colts! (That's for you Donovan!) Go Bears!
PS Hey did you notice that I didn't even mention my tooth?
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